Tuesday 15 January 2019

Tuesday Morning Briefing: May faces the prospect of defeat in Brexit deal vote


British Prime Minister Theresa May faces the prospect of defeat in a vote on her Brexit deal in parliament today, potentially leaving Britain in limbo about the biggest political and economic change for the country in decades. We are keeping a running tally of the MPs who have said how they will vote.

What happens if May’s deal does not pass? She must submit a new plan for Britain’s next steps by the end of Jan. 21, but it is not clear what ‘Plan B’ is. Some local media have reported she would ask parliament to vote again on the deal, perhaps after seeking another set of reassurances from the EU. Germany’s foreign minister has said the European Union could hold new talks with Britain, but he ruled out significant changes to the treaty.


William Barr, President Trump’s nominee for U.S. attorney general, starts his Senate confirmation hearing today. He will likely have to explain his past criticism of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian election meddling. Senators were expected to seek assurances that he will protect Mueller’s inquiry from political attack. His nomination is expected to win approval, where he has broad support among Republicans who control the chamber.

Three cargoes of U.S. crude are heading to China from the U.S. Gulf Coast, trade sources said on Monday. They are the first departures since late September and a 90-day pause in the two countries’ trade war that began last month.

President Trump laid out a feast fit for a government shutdown on Monday. Silver platters were heaped high with McDonald’s quarter pounders and the red-and-white burger wrappers of Wendy’s as the White House hosted the Clemson Tigers, winners of the U.S. college football championship. Chefs would normally would serve a much fancier fare but they are furloughed, staying home without paychecks as Trump fights with Congress over funding the federal government.

Commentary: Why a Republican won't beat Trump in 2020 The Republican Party has been remade to look like Donald Trump, meaning that anyone challenging him for the 2020 presidential nomination would likely get drubbed, writes political scientist Lincoln Mitchell. "Unseating an incumbent president in a primary is difficult enough... Beating a president who is beloved by the base in his own party in a primary challenge is almost impossible."


International Criminal Court judges have acquitted former Ivorian leader Laurent Gbagbo of all war crimes charges and ordered his immediate release. Outside the courthouse, dozens of supporters broke into cheers when the verdict was announced. But the decision was a major setback for the prosecution, stung by defeats in cases against Jean-Pierre Bemba, the Congolese ex-vice president released last year and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, who had charges against him dropped in 2015. Prosecutors have only won three war crimes convictions over the past 15 years.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro a modern Adolf Hitler. This comes days after Brazil said it recognized Juan Guaido, head of Venezuela’s opposition-run Congress, as legitimate president after Maduro was sworn in to a second term. The Brazilian president’s office said through a spokeswoman that it would not comment.

China has denounced Canada for “irresponsible” remarks after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused it of “arbitrarily” sentencing a Canadian to death for drug smuggling, aggravating already icy relations.

Hundreds of Honduran migrants have began the long trek north as part of new U.S.-bound caravan. Television footage on Monday showed several hundred people in the violent city of San Pedro Sula huddled together and waving Honduran flags as they began a journey that will likely take weeks or even months to reach the U.S.-Mexico border.


.@Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 400 days. Follow updates on the case: https://reut.rs/2DbMkNh

06:65 AM - 15 Jan 2019

The Detroit Auto Show

Volkswagen, Ford to announce automotive alliance

Volkswagen and Ford Motor Co are expected to unveil an alliance today. They are set to combine forces on commercial vehicles and are likely to expand into joint development of electric and self-driving technology, moves meant to save the automakers billions of dollars.

3 min read

FCA reviewing Italy plan after new taxes for polluting cars

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is reviewing its investment plan for Italy after the country approved taxes on the purchase of larger gasoline and diesel cars, Chief Executive Officer Mike Manley said on Monday.

4 Min Read

Global auto leaders urge Trump administration to end trade turmoil

Auto executives gathered in Detroit on Monday called on the Trump administration and Congress to resolve trade disputes, and end the government shutdown, saying political uncertainty is costing the industry.

6 min read

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