Thursday 10 January 2019

Reuters Health Report: Sen. Sanders, Rep. Cummings to introduce bill to lower U.S. drug prices Newsletter

Sen. Sanders, Rep. Cummings to introduce bill to lower U.S. drug prices

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Elijah Cummings plan to introduce legislation on Thursday aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs for U.S. consumers.

Novartis migraine drug not cost effective - UK price watchdog

Britain's drug price watchdog on Thursday rejected Novartis's migraine drug Aimovig for now, concluding in a draft decision that the medicine was not a cost-effective use of National Health Service resources.

South Africa's neighbors ban meat imports over foot and mouth disease

Botswana and the Kingdom of eSwatini, formerly Swaziland, have suspended meat imports from South Africa while Zimbabwe is in the process of setting up a ban due to the outbreak of the highly contagious foot and mouth disease.

Pesticide, metal exposure tied to increased risk of heart disease

(Reuters Health) - Workers who are exposed to pesticides or metals on the job may be significantly more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases, a U.S. study suggests.

Multistate E.coli infection outbreak appears to be over: CDC

The multistate outbreak of E. coli infections linked to romaine lettuce from the Central Coastal growing regions in northern and central California appears to be over, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday.

Diabetes tied to worse word recall in older adults

(Reuters Health) - Older people with type 2 diabetes may struggle more with verbal memory than their peers without the disease, a recent study suggests.

Even slightly early birth linked to lower income and education in adulthood

(Reuters Health) - Even when babies are born "full term," those who spend fewer weeks in the womb may still be less likely to earn a college degree and get a high-paying job, a large study suggests.

U.S. fast food chains offering more healthy options for kids

(Reuters Health) - Healthier sides and drinks were added to U.S. fast-food restaurant kids' menus in the past decade, but healthy combinations are still rarely offered as the default option, researchers say.

Akorn gets FDA warning letter for Illinois plant, shares drop

Akorn Inc said on Wednesday it received a warning letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration following an inspection of the company's Decatur, Illinois manufacturing plant last year.

Namibia suspends meat imports from South Africa over foot and mouth disease

Namibia has suspended meat imports from South Africa due to the outbreak of the highly contagious foot and mouth disease, state broadcaster, NBC, said on Wednesday.

U.S. health care industry spends $30 billion a year on marketing

(Reuters Health) - Spending on health care advertising in the U.S. has almost doubled over the past two decades as companies compete for their share of the world's biggest health care market, a U.S. study suggests.

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