Monday 7 January 2019

Actor Kevin Spacey to face sex assault case in Nantucket courtroom Newsletter

Actor Kevin Spacey to face sex assault case in Nantucket courtroom

Former "House of Cards" star Kevin Spacey is set to appear in a Massachusetts court on Monday to face a criminal charge that he sexually assaulted an 18-year-old male after plying him with alcohol at a bar in Nantucket more than two years ago.

New California Governor Newsom takes helm as Democrats increase dominance

Democrat Gavin Newsom will be sworn in as California's 40th governor on Monday, cementing the dominance of his party's progressive wing and ushering in a leftward shift that could give the most populous U.S. state an even greater role as a counterweight to the policies of Republican President Donald Trump.

English footballer Rooney arrested in Dec in U.S. for public intoxication

English football star Wayne Rooney was arrested in December at Dulles Airport outside Washington, D.C. for public intoxication, local police said on Sunday.

Trump holds firm on border wall, offers steel option as compromise

U.S. President Donald Trump pledged on Sunday not to bend in his demand for a wall along the southern border with Mexico but said the barrier could be made of steel instead of concrete as a potential compromise with Democrats who refuse to fund it.

Lyondell Houston refinery not affected by nearby accident: company

Operations at Lyondell Basell Industries 263,776 barrel-per-day (bpd) Houston refinery were unaffected by a nearby industrial accident on Saturday, a company spokeswoman said.

Trump says acting Cabinet members give him 'more flexibility'

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday he was in no hurry to find permanent replacements for one-quarter of his Cabinet currently serving in an acting capacity because it gives him "more flexibility."

No breakthrough in U.S. shutdown talks, Pelosi plans new legislation

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democrats would pass new legislation to try to reopen parts of the government next week after talks between the Trump administration and Democratic negotiators on Saturday failed to end a two-week partial government shutdown.

Harold Brown, U.S. defense chief who built, then strove to contain nuclear weapons, dies at 91

Harold Brown, an advocate of nuclear arms control who as President Jimmy Carter's defense secretary tried but failed to win U.S. Senate approval of a key treaty with the Soviet Union, has died at age 91, the think tank where he worked said.

Phoenix police investigate after woman in coma for decade gives birth

Phoenix police on Saturday were investigating reports of a sexual assault after a woman who has been hospitalized in a vegetative state for the past decade gave birth.

Democrat Warren takes economic message to Iowa in kickoff to 2020 race

Senator Elizabeth Warren informally kicked off the 2020 Democratic presidential nominating fight on a weekend visit to Iowa, condemning the corrupting influence of money on politics and lamenting lost economic opportunities for working families.

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