| | Some investors including William Ackman and Glenn Welling, who push corporations to perform better, posted record-breaking returns in 2020 when activist investors generally backed off demands during a year marked by wild and unexpected business conditions. | | | As a little girl who spoke no English when she moved to the United States from Taiwan, Annie Young-Scrivner learned early on about challenging times. | | | Anthony Scaramucci's firm SkyBridge Capital is the latest traditional fund manager to launch a bitcoin-focused fund after a surge of interest in cryptocurrencies in 2020. | | | Cary Kochman kicked off a sale process for U.S. printing services provider InnerWorkings Inc just as lockdowns to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus took effect in March. | | | Outsized bets on large U.S. technology companies and emerging cryptocurrencies fueled the year's top-performing U.S. mutual fund and exchange-traded funds as the coronavirus pandemic upended global markets, while funds that bet on oil and gas companies fell nearly 100%, according to data from fund-tracker Morningstar. | | | U.S. policymakers need to consider major changes to make money market funds less vulnerable to investor runs, a working group led by the Treasury Department said on Tuesday, stopping short of making specific recommendations. | | | Companies can raise capital on the New York Stock Exchange through direct listings, without losing gains if their stock pops or forking out hefty fees to Wall Street banks, which typically underwrite such capital raisings, the U.S. securities regulator said on Tuesday. | | | The so-called "stay-at-home" trade will not end next year even if the pandemic is defeated, according to managers of the top-performing U.S. mutual fund managers of 2020. They are continuing to bet on those stocks. | | | | |