Friday 7 September 2018

Friday Morning Briefing: Top Trump aides rush to disavow NYTimes article


Top aides to Trump scrambled to deny authorship of an anonymous New York Times opinion column that slammed the U.S. president’s leadership style and described “a quiet resistance” to him within his own administration.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama will warn Democratic voters in a speech that the stakes are too high to sit out November’s elections when the party is seeking to wrest control of Congress from President Donald Trump’s Republicans.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh stressed that he believes the judiciary has broad authority to check the power of the White House, but refused to criticize the man who selected him, President Donald Trump.


On The Case: New podcast with @AlisonFrankel goes into the eye of the storm of legal news via @ReutersLegal

10:10 PM - Sep 6, 2018


The far-right candidate in the Brazilian presidential election, who is the current frontrunner, was stabbed while campaigning, throwing the election into chaos just weeks before the vote.

The presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey - the main outside players in Syria’s long war - were meeting in Tehran to discuss the fate of the rebel-held province of Idlib as rival factions there prepared for what could be the conflict’s last great battle.

Facebook has removed a feature that allowed users to translate Burmese posts and comments after a Reuters report showed the tool was producing bizarre results. A Reuters investigation published on August 15 documented how Facebook was failing in its efforts to combat vitriolic Burmese language posts about Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims.


Two @Reuters journalists have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 270 days. See full coverage:

7:45 AM - SEP 7, 2018

Commentary: The U.S. prison strike that began on August 21 and is scheduled to last until September 9 may be the biggest prison work stoppage in history. Debates over prison labor usually hover around wages and invite comparisons to slavery because an inmate worker makes an average of 86 cents per hour. But wages aren’t at the top of the list of 10 demands issued by the organizers of the strike. Writers Chandra Bozelko and Ryan Lo – both formerly incarcerated – look at the dangerous work conditions that inmates are now trying to change.

Sponsored by IBM: Build your AI foundation. Learn how to implement the techniques and technologies associated with AI and machine learning, and unlock the massive potential of your data. Read the report.


Banks turn to espressos, dancing robots to help keep U.S. branches alive

Free Wi-Fi, discounted cappuccinos, artwork, and a dancing robot are among the features banks across the United States are touting to convince customers that even in an era of smartphones it is still worth it to visit a bank branch.

7 min read

VW faces about $10.7 billion investor suit over dieselgate scandal

Volkswagen faces a trial next week as investors seek $10.7 billion in compensation arguing that the carmaker should have informed shareholders about a diesel pollution scandal before regulators did in September 2015.

3 Min Read

Tesla's Musk smokes marijuana on comedy podcast

Tesla’s Elon Musk provoked another twitter storm by briefly smoking marijuana on a live web show with comedian Joe Rogan. Taking a puff from a joint - which Rogan said was a blend of tobacco and marijuana and legal in California - Musk said he “almost never” smoked. Tesla was not immediately available for comment.

3 min read

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