Wednesday 1 February 2023

Economic priorities: governments, business and climate

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February 1st 2023
Inform your discussions and decisions this week: navigating this era of uncertainty remains a deeply challenging task. Businesses, governments and individuals worldwide continue to struggle with disrupted supply chains, increasing energy prices and a rise of protectionist policies.

In this issue, understand how events of the past few years have affected government approaches to spending and explore expectations for global trade. You can also uncover the biggest takeaways from Davos 2023 as well as what they mean for the global economy and sustainability goals. Plus, learn about the risk climate change represents for economies, industries and businesses in the Asia-Pacific region.
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Global shocks such as the covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and rising US-China tensions have impacted households, businesses, governments and intergovernmental relations. As economies react with strong fiscal responses, explore how these world-shaping events affect government budgets and how countries can rebound from future shocks.
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Globalisation | report
Global trade: trends and expectations
Understand the factors shaping the global trade environment and the private-sector approach to supply-chain management.
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Globalisation | blog
Cooperation in a fragmented world—why the signs are not encouraging
John Ferguson, practice lead for new globalisation at Economist Impact, shares his three key takeaways from The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
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Financial services | podcast
Protecting investment portfolios against climate change risks
Understand the risks global warming poses to economies, industry and businesses in Asia Pacific. You can also explore the opportunities risk mitigation and adaptation efforts create for investors.
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Data and analytics | blog
The outlook series: behind the data
From quantum computing to online privacy, assess ten essential topics with our advanced data and analytics team.
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Globalisation | video
Watch highlights from the global anti-illicit trade summit, Warsaw
Find out how illicit trade can endanger communities, crowd out legitimate business activity, reduce government revenues and increase pollutants.
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