| | | | | | | China and the United States will each allow air carriers to double current flights to eight per week between the world's two largest economies, the U.S. Transportation Department said on Tuesday. | | | Medication costs for COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the United States have dropped sharply since May, reflecting advances in treatment, shorter stays and use of cheaper generic drugs. | | | A bipartisan majority of Americans want the government to spend more money on the U.S. Postal Service, and most agree that mail delivery will be a vital part of the November election, a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll released on Wednesday found. | | | Turmoil at the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is causing some Democrats and local election officials to rethink their vote-by-mail strategies for November's presidential election, shifting emphasis to drop boxes and early voting that bypass the post office. | | | Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty on Wednesday in federal court to falsifying a document as part of the bureau's early-stage probe into whether President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with the Russian government. | | | Protesters lit fires, threw rocks and smashed windows at county government offices in the U.S. city of Portland on Tuesday, prompting police to declare a riot, after weeks of mostly peaceful anti-racism demonstrations. | | | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris gives the most important speech of her political career on Wednesday when she addresses the Democratic National Convention as presidential nominee Joe Biden's running mate. | | | Democrats formally nominated Joe Biden for president on Tuesday, vowing his election would repair a pandemic-battered America and put an end to the chaos that has defined Republican President Donald Trump's administration. | | | The Democratic Party formally nominated Joe Biden for U.S. president at its national convention on Tuesday, turning to future leaders and elder statesmen to make the case for why he is the right choice to face Republican President Donald Trump in November. | | | The re-election campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump has sued New Jersey, following a decision on Friday by its Democratic governor to mail a ballot to every voter in the state for November's elections, as well as hold in-person voting amid the coronavirus pandemic. | | | | | | | | | |