Will next-generation connectivity yield new business models?
Internet connectivity is one of the most profound enablers of social change and economic growth. With the advent of 3G and 4G services, connectivity has come to underpin our working and personal lives, empowering businesses to operate more efficiently and with wider reach. Will Next-Generation Connectivity yield new business models? New industries? We explore how businesses are anticipating 5G and beyond. | |
| | | | Will next-generation connectivity yield new business models? | | Internet connectivity is one of the most profound enablers of social change and economic growth. With the advent of 3G and 4G services, connectivity has come to underpin our working and personal lives, empowering businesses to operate more efficiently and with wider reach. Will next-generation connectivity yield new business models? New industries? We explore how businesses are anticipating 5G and beyond. | | | | | | | | |
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