Wednesday, 2 August 2017

This guy composed the score for TV’s weirdest cartoon

"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe." 8/2/17

How One Guy Scored 'Rick and Morty,' TV's Weirdest Cartoon

Being a composer for a television show is tough. But scoring the oddball, alien-themed cartoon series that is "Rick and Morty"? WAY more challenging. Luckily, the creative team has Ryan Elder and his out-of-this world tunes to help give the show its intergalactic quirk. 

River Gods: Welcome to the Wild West of Surfing

What do you do when you want to ride the waves, but you live in a landlocked state? You head to the river. Missoula, Montana might be the last place you'd expect to find a vibrant surfing community, but that's exactly where Strongwater Surf Shop owner Kevin Benhardt Brown and his friends spend their days.

One Artist's Audacious Pursuit of Traditional Korean Hanji

In Korea, there's a saying that "Good silk lasts 100 years, good hanji lasts 1,000 years." Hanji, a special paper, is made in a complex, centuries-old process that combines mulberry tree pulp and hand threading. Aimee Lee, a Korean-American artist, received a Fulbright fellowship to study hanji in Korea. Despite being a male-dominated practice, Lee excelled. Today, she's the leading hanji weaver in the United States and has dedicated her life to teaching this ancient Korean practice.
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