Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Reuters Technology Report: July 26, 2017

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Twitter no longer at 'death's door' as earnings report approaches
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter Inc heads toward its quarterly earnings report on Thursday with a stock that has risen more than 40 percent since April when much of Wall Street was ready to write off the tech company.
U.S. treads water on cyber policy as destructive attacks mount
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Trump administration's refusal to publicly accuse Russia and others in a wave of politically motivated hacking attacks is creating a policy vacuum that security experts fear will encourage more cyber warfare.
House panel wants Google, Facebook, AT&T CEOs to testify on internet rules
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday asked chief executives from companies representing the two sides of the net neutrality debate, including Alphabet, Facebook, AT&T and Verizon, to testify at a Sept. 7 hearing.
Italy's UniCredit reveals data attack involving 400,000 clients
MILAN (Reuters) - Suspected hackers have accessed client data of Italy's biggest lender, UniCredit , in two attacks in the past 10 months and affected about 400,000 Italian customers, the most serious data breach ever reported by a major Italian lender.
Luxury firms' online battle boosted by EU court adviser's Coty view
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - A decade-long battle by luxury brands to defend their image neared an end on Wednesday when an adviser to Europe's top court said Coty can block a German retailer from selling its beauty products via online marketplaces.
Nintendo swings to operating profit, beats estimates on Switch console sales
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Nintendo Co Ltd on Wednesday said it swung to a profit in the first quarter, beating analyst estimates, due to strong demand for its Switch console.
India e-tailer Snapdeal's board accepts Flipkart's up to $950 million buyout: sources
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Indian online marketplace Snapdeal has accepted Flipkart's revised takeover offer of up to $950 million, two sources said on Wednesday, providing heft to its bigger rival in a high-stakes battle with Inc.
One year after IPO, Japanese chat app Line reports drop in user numbers
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Line Corp said its number of monthly active users fell from the previous quarter, its first such decline, underscoring the messaging app operator's struggles to grow outside its home country since last year's high-profile IPO.
Wisconsin company offers employees microchip implants
(Reuters) - A Wisconsin vending machine company is offering its employees a chance to have a microchip implanted in their hands that they could use to buy snacks, log in to computers or use the copy machine.
Apple ordered to pay $506 million to university in patent dispute
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday ordered Apple Inc to pay $506 million for infringing on a patent owned by the University of Wisconsin-Madison's patent licensing arm, more than doubling the damages initially imposed on Apple by a jury.
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